Tag Archives: partitioning

Increasing Disk Space in VirtualBox (Ubuntu)

There can be times when you need to increase the size of the VirtualBox VDI Image.

Changing the size of the image doesn’t automatically extends the primary partition. This is a two step process:

Note: It’s advisable to take a backup of the existing image first.

Step 1: Extending the Image Size

This can be done using the VBoxManage utility which is shipped with VirtualBox installation. In my case, my VDI was 20GB in size and I wanted to expand it to 30GB

C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox>VBoxManage.exe modifyhd "C:\Users\arpit\VirtualBox VMs\Ubuntu\Ubuntu.vdi" --resize 30720

Step 2: Extending Primary partition in Ubuntu

You can use gparted to extend the primary partition in Ubuntu.
Download Gparted for Ubuntu : Download Link

Alternatively: You can install gparted in Ubuntu using a package manager.

In Gparted, you will be able to see the unallocated space, select that and create a new partition

gparted unallocated space

You will need to mount it in fstab. Update /etc/fstab and run mount -a to reload the fstab entries.

My fstab entry looks like this:

# New Partition
UUID=907f3b69-e891-4a3c-99c1-f0aa2838e3b3 /apps	ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       2